The Canine Enrichment Company and South Shore Dog Squad have teamed up to bring you South Shore GRC!

We host practices and drop-in group classes a few times each month to help introduce new teams to this amazing sport. To learn more about GRC, check out the GRC Dog Sports website.

Join our Facebook group to stay in the loop and sign up for practices/classes!


Membership Price: $100/year

- Any prospective members must have competitive trial goals for their dogs in the sport of GRC

- Prospective members should show commitment to club practice with regular attendance

- Prospective members need to be sponsored by an existing club member

- Membership is voted on by existing members

- Membership can be revoked due to unsportsmanlike conduct

- Membership may not be renewed if the member has not been consistently attending practice


Club Member Price: $20/dog

Non-Club Member Price: $30/dog

We meet at various facilities and parks/fields throughout the South Shore, weather permitting. During Club Practice, we are currently able to offer SR(social responsibility), SP(spring pole) and WP(weight pull) working spots.

Roll call is organized via the South Shore GRC Facebook group about a week prior. Spots are limited and club members are given priority when there are more dogs than spots available. 

Each dog gets their own 15-20 minute working spot with an experienced coach. Everybody helps out during each other’s turns be it via being a controlled distraction, taking photos/filming, being a greeter, etc.


Price: $40/dog

We meet at various facilities and parks/fields throughout the South Shore, weather permitting. During drop-in classes, we are currently able to offer SR(social responsibility), SP(spring pole) and WP(weight pull) working spots. Each class will focus on one topic.

Roll call is organized via the South Shore GRC Facebook group about a week prior. Spots are limited and are given on a first come first served basis.

Each dog gets their own 15-20 minute working spot with an experienced coach. Everybody helps out during each other’s turns be it via being a controlled distraction, taking photos/filming, being a greeter, etc.


- We ask that everyone is available for the entire practice to help other teams with their training goals for the day. This means everyone is expected to help other teams when they aren't working a dog, whether that's coaching, trouble shooting, help setting up or breaking down, being a distraction or greeter, or simply keeping track of time.

- While we will always do our best to run all dogs that come to practice, only club members are guaranteed a working spot.

- If you have never been to one of our practices before, you must come and observe a practice without your dog first to get an idea of how things are run. Please let us know if you plan to come watch.

- Please treat every dog as if it is aggressive. This means there should be absolutely no interaction with any dog without consent. This goes for dog/dog interaction as well as dog/human interaction.

- If your dog has any issues with humans, it must be disclosed. We are all here to help reach each other’s goals, but everyone has the right to decide how much risk they are personally willing to take.