Fill out our enrollment form today to start working with us!


We offer behavioral programs and personalized training solutions from basic puppy needs to reactivity and more. We are comfortable with all tools, from flexi’s and flat collars to prongs and e-collars. Whether your dog has dangerous habits like biting, or you’re just looking to learn the basics- we are here to help!



Once you’ve gotten your training foundation down in our private training session, our group training sessions are a great place to work your new skills! Group sizes from 4 - 8 clients, locations and pricing vary.



Monday to Thursday we offer Enrichment Programs as a healthier and safer alternative to your basic doggy daycare or walking service, while keeping up with your personal training goals and needs.

Please note, our Enrichment Programs are not a replacement for training, but serves as a wonderful supplement. We choose the dogs who get to join these programs based on the dog’s behavior, and the humans commitment to training.



Our Take & Train Program is available to our established training clients and is designed to supplement your training goals. With pick up and drop off included, we bring your dog out for a 60-90 minute training adventure. Either by themselves or up to two other dogs depending on the goal of the session. For dogs that need a slower start, we may spend the first few sessions in your home, yard or neighborhood before heading out into the big world. Activities include hiking, walks through local parks, visits to pet friendly establishments, and more!

Prerequisite: In-Home Training Session.

Pricing starting at $75/day.



Our Pack Walk Program is designed for dogs that are ready to be in a group setting, after graduating from our Take & Train Program. Pick up and drop off included, we head out for a 60-90 minutes pack adventure. Sometimes it’s a stroll through the woods, a walk through a public park, or spending time in our play and train yard! Activities are dependent on weather, and the different personalities in our pack. Note that pick up and drop off windows may add time to your dog’s outing depending on where they fall in the transportation order and adventure location. Transportation can take up to 30-90 minutes each way.

Prerequisite: In-Home Training and Take & Train sessions.

Pricing starting at $50/day.